Thursday, June 30, 2011

William is five months old

Another month has flown by. William continues to grow and get stronger. He's able to roll from back to front and back again. He scoots on his back and his tummy to reach his toys and anything else we leave within a couple of feet of him. I'm pretty sure he's got a tooth coming but it hasn't poked through yet. He's chewing on everything and he's drooling like crazy.

I took him to the doctor yesterday for what I thought was a wellness check but it turns out I had to request the right examination (U-something). Instead, he got his vaccinations so he's on track with the US vaccine schedule (there are slight variations in the German and US schedules - we're sticking to the US schedule because we're here for such a short visit). I mention the lack of wellness check because I have no idea what this kid weighs or how long he is. The doctor did mention that he's a very healthy looking boy, though, so I guess that's what really matters. I did schedule the "correct" appointment for next month so I can report his statistics then.

A couple of weeks ago, I decided to try infant potty training ("elimination communication") with William. It's been quite an adventure but, overall, it's been good. The idea behind introducing the potty at this age is to teach him the appropriate place for eliminating from the beginning (or nearly). He's learning to take a bath in the bathtub (hates it, though) and to eat with a spoon so this is just another thing for him to learn. The other hope is that he doesn't lose his ability to know when he needs to eliminate (that's where the "communication" part comes in). So far, it's been pretty good and we're learning together. It's been easy to catch his BMs and we get 1-2 pees in the potty each day. He's diaper-free most of the time when we're home and he loves it. He wears a diaper when we go out and at night.

Here's video of William doing what he does when he's awake:


  1. He makes me smile. Such a cutie.

    Miss you guys.

  2. Thanks Julia! He makes me smile, too! We are missing you, too. I hope you are having a nice summer at the lake.
