Sunday, May 22, 2011

Boo boo head

Okay, I have a lot of catching up to do but I'm tired so I'm going to bed after this one photo - I'll have to write about our awesome weekend tomorrow.

Generally speaking, the parks in Germany aren't as "safe" as the parks in the US. Last weekend, James was playing at a park in Munich and he face planted between two boards. When I realized what happened, I couldn't believe this piece of equipment existed. He was crossing a bridge where the boards ran the length of the bridge and were spaced at least far enough apart for hisfoot to go through. How far apart were the boards? You can measure the distance between the two bruises on his forehead. Ouch!

The title of this post is what James used to call his forehead (boo boo head) because he almost always has a bruise on his forehead. Frank calls James' forehead the hard surface locator.

Oh, and here's William (no boo boos, thank goodness):

One more... James kissing William. I'm pretty sure James isn't putting his weight on William's chest. And, no, James never wears pants. I'm just glad he's wearing underwear.

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