Monday, May 23, 2011

What a great weekend!

Last weekend was fantastic. On Saturday evening, we went to a beer garden with one of Frank's colleagues. Let me just say this, beer gardens are really cool. James ran off and played in this fantastic play area while we had a nice adult conversation with our friends. Frank and I each had a half liter of beer (this was the small size, I think). Dinner was not as good. We'll probably bring a picnic dinner the next time we go. As one woman said to me while I was struggling to find vegetarian options, "Good luck. You really have to eat meat when you are in Bavaria."

On Sunday, I took the boys into the Deutches Museum while Frank gave a talk at a conference. I discovered why they have a dryer in the baby changing room. There is this section of the museum called the Kinderreich (Kids Kingdom). There are all sorts of hands on activities but the one that James was most interested in was the one with the water and the boats. The first time he fell in, it was truly and accident. After that, well, not as much.

These are the loaner clothes that James wore while his were drying.

Frank met up with us after his talk and the four of us walked to Marienplatz for lunch (and so Frank could see more of Munich).

William had a weekend of milestones. He giggled for the first time on Sunday. He had been doing this strange inhale kind of laugh that almost sounded like he was gasping but now he has a definite giggle. It's so sweet! He is also now able to consistently roll over from his back to his tummy. He no longer stays where we leave him. The rolling over is a bit surprising because he spends so much time in his car seat (and the rest of the time he's sleeping).

One other thing from last weekend - I braved and bought a new stroller. The sit and stand does not work well for sightseeing, especially if you want to go anywhere during nap time.

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