Friday, May 27, 2011

Day at the zoo

I took the boys to the Munich Zoo yesterday. We had a great time. James calls it the big zoo because it was, indeed, a big zoo (the Denver Zoo is now called the "small zoo" even though it's not really small). Toward the end of our visit, we came to the kids area. We'll go there a little earlier next time. There was a really nice beer garden and a huge play area (we rushed by because it was nap time). There was a petting zoo and pony rides. There were bumper cars and then there were cars and a train that drove by themselves on a track. James absolutely loved driving the car (he's a little too young for bumper cars) and had a blast on the train. He also had fun playing in the smaller play area. And, of course, he loved seeing all of the animals. His current favorite animals are elephants, giraffes, penguins, zebras, and lions.

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